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Heilongjiang graphic design training

Heilongjiang graphic design training

  • Category:Heilongjiang computer graphic design
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  • Release time:2022-07-14 11:27:12
  • Detailed introduction

Computer graphic design专业

Length of schooling: 3 years /3+2 college through training

Training objectives:Harbin Technical SchoolAiming at the needs of advertising companies and professional design companies, we train graphic designers with comprehensive qualities and skills, so that students can master the professional design skills required by different positions in graphic design, and have the ability to complete various design projects independently。Students after graduation can be engaged in advertising company, planning, graphic design company, the publishing industry, the enterprise publicity planning department and other requirements related to graphic design work in the field of graphic designer。

Course introduction: Plane structure,Color composition,Sketch basis;Photoshop,CorellDraw,lllustrator,(Advertising principle, font design, print advertising design and process flow, logo design, CIS planning, binding design, layout design, packaging design, post-processing of digital photography architectural renderings),Basic computer;Peripheral equipment application: printer, scanner, copier and other equipment characteristics and applications。

pagemaker, illustrator, photoshop and coreldraw are commonly used software tools for graphic design.Color composition, pattern;Packaging design, handbag design, real estate outdoor advertising, vi design, POP art design, layout design, poster, printing output expertise, etc。

Practical teaching

Student work design awards

Industry analysis: As the market becomes more and more standardized, companies and other products pay more and more attention to their image packaging, graphic design is an essential position for any enterprise and company, and this position is crucial, a good graphic designer will promote the company's image and market development。The effect of advertising design on enterprises and their products can not be ignored, just as the American historian David.According to Porter, "The social impact of advertising now rivals that of teaching and schools with a long tradition.。Advertising dominates the publicity work, and it plays a huge role in the formation of public standards。More and more enterprises realize that good goods are far from enough, but also need excellent advertising in order to better produce benefits, excellent advertising must be made by excellent designers, visible advertising design this career has a bright future。Graphic design is the basic profession of all design,Like decoration design, garden design, architectural design, clothing design, and industrial design are inseparable from graphic design,It's like drawing is the foundation of all your courses,So the graphic design industry will not be obsolete,But times are changing and the demands of the market are changing,Graphic design companies need to change their thinking accordingly,You can't run a modern graphic design company with old ideas。

Employment direction: advertising companies, plate making, printing companies, newspapers, magazines, network companies, educational institutions, planning companies, graphic design companies, publishing industry and media organizations, any need to produce graphic, website advertising products department。

Jobs: the creative director, design director assistant, graphic designers, graphic design, art and design (large supermarket hotel), UI designers, graphic designer, commercial illustrator, graphic design modification, web graphic designers, etc。The graphic designer shall design the core concept and overall framework of the entire advertisement by the creative director according to the requirements of the client, and then the designer shall be responsible for making specific advertising products (print advertisements, product packaging, web pages, etc.) that can be directly released to the mass media.。The specific content includes: advertising design, book binding design, packaging design, pattern design, commercial illustration, logo design, enterprise CI design, POPular posters, albums, leaflets, folding pages, business cards, cards, font design, UI interface design, web design, etc。

Student work design awards

Admission requirements:

1, no administrative demerit and other major punishments, no criminal record。

2, the basic quality requirements: integrity, optimism, pragmatic innovation, unity and cooperation, strong sense of service;Have high moral cultivation, law-abiding。

3, Enrollment target: should, previous junior high school, high school graduates or equivalent education (including vocational high school, technical school, art school), the age of 15 years or more。

【太阳集团集团】 :

1, 3 years: students through the three-year study can choose direct employment or choose to participate in the secondary vocational education examination;After graduation, a certificate of graduation from a secondary school recognized by the State and a certificate of employment registration (with cadre status) will be issued.,Heilongjiang Province secondary vocational school education certificate inquiry website can be found;Students can obtain relevant professional qualifications,Have professional qualification。

Sample certificate

2, 3+2 years: "3+2" through training is the use of segmented form of joint training, by secondary schools and junior colleges are responsible for training。Students studying at our school for three years before, the country admits national unified technical secondary school graduation certificate, secondary vocational schools in heilongjiang province certificate query website can check, after two years in colleges and universities to study, issued by the country admits the recruitment of college graduation certificate and employment registration certificate。After graduation, students can obtain Mandarin certificate, vocational qualification certificate (junior, senior graphic designer) and other related post certificates。

Sample certificate

[entrance illustrate 】 : for many years to pay attention to the students in our school education and ability training, teacher force strong, professional class teachers have abundant teaching experience in all the subjects, encourage students to raise their education level, entrance enters a higher school provides a good platform for the students。

[Way of education] : "There is a way out of employment, there are channels for education, innovation has the ability, and development has the way out", which has become the advantage of our school to train students, and "studying secondary vocational school and going to colleges and universities is not a dream" as a highlight of the school, increasing the attractiveness of our school。In recent years, the school has changed from "employment-oriented" to "study-oriented" or "study and employment" training direction。The "3+2" mode of through training, matching, individual test and comprehensive evaluation in higher vocational schools has indeed opened up a number of channels for secondary vocational students to pursue further studies。

Sample of admission notice for university admission

1. Vocational education college entrance examination

On September 13, 2021, the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province issued the Implementation Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of General College Examination in Heilongjiang Province, deepening the reform of classified enrollment examination for higher vocational education and making major adjustments to the vocational education。Vocational education Spring College Entrance Examination referred to as "vocational Education College Entrance Examination"。It is held in May each year and is mainly for vocational and adult education students。Starting from 2024, the provincial secondary vocational schools' matching entrance examination will be adjusted to the provincial vocational education spring college entrance examination, gradually increasing the enrollment plan of undergraduate colleges and universities, and gradually expanding the scope of enrollment institutions to national colleges and universities。The provincial unified organization of cultural courses examination and vocational skills test, by the provincial entrance examination institutions unified organization and implementation;The vocational skills test is sponsored by the provincial Admission Examination Institute, organized and implemented by the leading institutions, and can be carried out by written test, practical operation or a combination of written test and practical operation according to needs。Vocational school graduates enjoy the same treatment as ordinary school graduates in employment, settlement, participation in recruitment, evaluation of professional titles, promotion and other channels。

2.Single move for higher vocational education

"Higher vocational single enrollment" is a category of college entrance examination in China. The enrollment school is a vocational college in the province or a college with a higher education level. Single enrollment is a shortcut, and the chance for students with poor grades to go to college is greater than that of passing the ordinary college entrance examination。

3. General college entrance examination

Graduated from technical secondary school students can choose to attend unified national ordinary higher school enrolment entrance examination, in ordinary colleges and universities。

4. Adult continuing education

Our school has cooperated with more than ten colleges and universities in continuing education for many years, senior high school starting college, junior college starting college, senior high school starting college, graduate from the cooperative university issued by the national education series of adult education junior college, undergraduate certificate, electronic registration of the Ministry of Education, national recognition of academic qualifications, Xuexin network can be checked。


1. National student aid:

Recipients: families with special financial difficulties, 6,000 yuan per child;Urban and rural low-income families, 4,000 yuan per child;Poor county, that is, 11 poor counties in Heilongjiang Province rural registered students, 2,000 yuan per student。11 poor counties: Longjiang County, Tailai County, Gannan County, Fuyu County, Kedong County, Baiquan County, Lindian County, Wangkui County, Lanxi County, Qinggang County, Mingshui County and other 11 contiguous poor rural students (excluding the county) are included in the scope of national financial aid。

2. National Scholarship:

According to the Interim Measures for the Evaluation of National Scholarships for Secondary Vocational Education formulated by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Ministry of Finance, students whose academic performance ranks in the top 5% (including 5%) of the same major in their grade can apply for national scholarships, each student 6,000 yuan per year。

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